
There are many great sites on the Internet, but trying to find those great sites can be a frustrating experience. We have compiled a list of Websites that we have found to be helpful sources of information. When you click on a link, a new window will pop up. Close the window when you are ready to return to this page.

Disclaimer (because, lets face it, lawyers exist)

The following links are provided as a reference for convenience on topics that are believed to be relevant to the issues discussed on our website.

The creators, maintainers and contributors to this website do not accept any responsibility for the information provided at the linked sites as to their accuracy, currency or compliance with applicable laws.

Nor do the creators, maintainers and contributors to this website accept any responsibility for the accuracy, currency or compliance with applicable laws of any of the linked sites may provide links for.

Nor do the creators, maintainers and contributors accept, endorse or acknowledge the legitimacy of the ideas expressed or endorse any of the sponsors mentioned on any of those sites.



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